John Turner Bio-Doc Airs Saturday
Even if you don't like Turner this is well worth watching, if only because his political career careened across many fascinating and turbulent crests on Canada's historical sea. Not to mention, the details of his past evoke memories of the Canada I remember seeing on the news when I was kid. You know, the days when most politicians seemed a little more scholarly, well-spoken and god forbid, well-behaved. Watching old black and white footage of Turner conducting an impromptu seminar with young buzz-cut Liberals at the 1968 Liberal convention reminded me of Ward Clever imparting life lessons to the boys.
You have to check out this positive, fairly non-partisan doc regardless of what striped corner you have painted yourself into. Paul was granted exclusive access to all of Turner's fascinating photos and they figure prominently throughout, while Turner, himself, recounts the battles and joys of his years in Ottawa.
This is a must-see for anyone who loves Canadian history and politics. For the older of us, it will refresh memories and for the younger it will animate what you may see as a one-dimensional past. Either way, it offers new perspective into things we may take for granted regarding Canada's development as a nation.
The hour-long documentary is called John Turner: In His Own Words and will air on Global Television this coming Saturday at 7 pm EST on the ocassion of the Liberal leadership convention. It is also slated to run on iChannel in December. Check out your local listings for details!