I think the media have missed a real chuckle nugget in the Mr. Harper Goes to Kanada-har story. Look, I hate to point out the obvious, but first he was going; then he wasn't going and now he is there. Do you think maybe some people in a certain PM's communications and security corps got a few crucial wires crossed - wires that could have fried Mr. Alberta's ass into posterior charcoal? Now, I realize new administrations have newbie staffers making huge decisions that they may not be ready for. But c'mon, this is a little Logic 101, n'est-ce pas? If the Harpies couldn't figure out it's bad to leak the fact that you are sending your leader to the most dangerous spot on earth, how will they handle other "top secret" tasks?
What a bunch of wide-eyed boy scouts!Sorry, but I have to rate this fiasco a #1 on K-Dough's Rating Scheme: Idiot-ocratic.
Yes, it was an intentional leak.
Yes, there was confusion surrounding the time/release of the leak.
Yes, it makes their Communications Department look a little silly.
However, I'm overlooking this because I'm pleased Harper is in Afghanistan. He should be and is supporting our troops (whether they are supposed to be there is another story previously discussed).
Harper has screwed-up already and he'll definitely screw-up again, but in the meantime, let's give him 24 hours of support for our troops.
I don't think so. I think it's a cheap politically-motivated gesture. It's cowboy grandstanding in the highest. The PMO believes it will have political fortunes to reap from looking tough in the face of death. They may be right in terms of harvesting kudos from a flagging Bush government, but it's not gonna help them here, where most people believe we should get the fuck outta there.
Once again I say: They are boy scout newbies making careless decisions. They are giddy, like we all were, at the first signs of public hair.
K-dough's right. And what's all this troop supporting?
I know it seems like a long time ago, but many Canadians were outraged (pace Harper and Harris) when the US right's response to people who objected to invading Iraq was that they weren't "supporting the troops". If you don't support the fact we're over in Afghanistan, what does it mean to "support the troops"? You don't want them massacred? Who wants that?
How does one "support the troops" anyway? Send them cakes and chits for time with hookers? This little bit of nonsense is just another way to distract people from the larger issues surrounding our presence there.
Personally, I think that Canada has some good reasons to be in Afghanistan, but I tire of being asked by the media and the politicians that I have to "support the troops" as though that's what really matters here, that Canadian soldiers are going to sulk in their tents without the aggregated support of Canadians.
Harper does want change!!! I think we should all be wearing the scout uniform. To work. To school. Everywhere. It just jumps out at you and says, "I'm Canadian. I'm prepared. I got my pet-keeper's badge!"
Chris- I hear ya. Don't forget that spineless Ernie Eves and a few provincial ministers (Runciman for sure) actually attended pro-war rallies at that time to protest the feds' decision not to enter the illegal US-led war in Iraq- tough guys that they were.
Harding - and the cute little paramilitary ensemble does go with his eyes (and soul), doncha think?
very funny, as per usual.
Will spoil it with:
Kept the Taliban on their toes, n'est-ce-pas?
plus, I thought you guys considered Iraq the most dangerous place on earth.
K-Dough, you're a conumdrum wrapped in an enigma.
You're dead wrong. I had my conundrum removed when I was about 17. My enigma now looks a little flattened, but I'm thinking about botox. Any advice?
BTW- when you said "you guys" who did you mean?
K-dough, don't you see the brilliance. They've revived and rescued the summer barbecue tour fiasco by simply changing the venue.
Jesus, K. I almost choked to death on my coffee laughing. Best post so far.
Mmmm, all the barbecued teriyaki rat you can eat(watch your teeth on the shrapnel)served up by Stevie himself. He'll be shocked when he's told that the impoversihed limbless villagers won't be able to make it on to the Canadian voters list in 14 months- homeland security being what it is and all.
K-dough, LOL!!!
Pam, I know I'll never get you into the thong stick; so I've settled for making coffee go through your nose.
Pam- please don't choke! You are my dearest and most loyal female reader! To lose you would be like losing a friend I've known for only a few days through the anonymous, impersonal medium of the Internet.
But seriously- thanks for the sweetness!
As has been previously discussed, we can support our troops without agreeing about their posting. I'm sure there are soldiers currently in Afghanistan who don't agree with their posting. However, they (and we) don't have a choice about their assignment (we should, but our political system and current leading party hasn't provided us with this choice/vote/option).
I don't agree with the Harper-ites assigning our boys and girls in uniform to follow the US... but they're there and we might as well support them and let them know that we care.
Everytime I go into my Rogers/Yahoo to retrieve my web-mail, there's Harper with the troops all over my screen. Amateurish mistakes notwithstanding, this was a PR slam-dunk.
Peter (and others) - In my opinion, it's not about supporting troops. It's about supporting policy. Troops go where they are told to go. They also come home when they are told. There is no grey area. The supporting the troops question is a U.S.-based wedge myth perpetrated by propagandists who are seeking popular support for unpopular initiatives.
by "you guys" I mean the radical communists that fall asleep dreaming of being in Hugo Chavez's strong arms.
You had your conumdrum removed? That's painful. Mine's getting so big, it sticks out of my neck like a football.
I think we're both candidates for extreme makeovers.
Yet you both isist you're devilishly handsome.....I'm confused...
Chucker- I am no longer a radical communist. I was for a bit in the 80s, but then I got into metal and Acid. Now, I'd say I'm more of a slightly left of centre right lay Buddhist hermeneuticist, with a penchant for anything iconoclastic; anything with an alcohol content over 5.5%; and songs that contain the word "fuck" or any of its conjugations or derivatives, like Anvil's Butter Bust Jerkey.
Leather- It's not really me as an entity that is irrestible, it's my unit. It cancels out all my repugnant qualities.
Leather- Sorry mate. Try to think dry thoughts. If that fails carry your laptop/lunch pail/notebook/hat/large piece of bristleboard with fake pie chart on it into the meeting, directly in front of your soggy crotch.
Yeah, yeah....that's all good...but I still smell like a Goddam bus shelter. Guess I won't be closing any big ones today.
Whats with all this BS about "Harper assigning our troops to follow the US".
WTF are you talking about? The LIBERALS sent us to Afghanistan. JEAN CHRETIEN put our troops there. PAUL MARTIN kept them there. LIBERALS said it was an important mission for Canada. It was ALWAYS a war and NEVER a Peacekeeping operation.
Where were all the complaints in 2002-2003 when Canadians were going on the OFFENSIVE against the Taliban in OP Anaconda and taking casualties? Oh yeah, the Liberals were in charge then, it was the right thing to do...
Now the Conservatives are in charge, and all of the sudden Canada doesn't belong there? Its Harpers fault for "following Bush"?
HARPER DIDN'T SEND CANADIAN TROOPS TO AFGHANISTAN. Previous governments made the commitment, and Harper will fufill our duty there.
I only need extreme makeover to handle my handles (and remove a football-sized conumdrum from my neck). I'd still rate myself as devilishly handsome.
Oh, Leatherhands: here's a trick, fill your underwear with mothballs. Covers up piss smell like a charm.
You're right, my mistake. I should've been more careful saying the Harper-ites sent our troops.
New from Canadian Tire!
It's Chucker's Crotch Balls(tm)!.
The perfect gift for that special office-wino in your life who needs extra strength deodorizing help in pitching to clients!
The fine coating of kitty litter on our Evening Primrose-scented Crotch Balls, will absorb even the heaviest urinary evacuation, while keeping your office-wino's nuts, shaft and pants region smelling like a delightful English garden throughout the drunken work day.
Well you are all damn lucky that I know how to insert a catheter. Blog on.
OK guys, I'm back. The meeting went well thanks to blow drying the pants and inserting the moth balls (Chucker, you're a God-send.) But I did appear to have a very, very large scrotum.
Leather- Glad to hear the mission was a success. Hope you didn't cut and run from the meeting. Apparently, good Canadians don't do that.
From what I've seen, critical thinking and flexibilty have no value in politics any more. Seriously - the concepts are absent in political lexicon, because they can't be packaged neatly for the mouthbreathing masses. It's sick.
I'm not sure if it was intentional but the Scout uniform adorning our fearless Harper-leader, is an American Boy Scouts uniform.
Either way, quite appropriate.
I have to agree on that one K. We, in the private sector, can be just as guilty for packaging and catch-phrasing, but that is only effective as bait. The whole proposal has to stand up to scrutiny before the fact, or the deal just doesn't friggin' happen. That is why Jack Layton irritates me so very, very much these days. They all do it of course, but lately he epitomizes the vaccuous soundbite.
Miraculously (being not much of a TV watcher) I actually caught the Happy-Days reference!
And do home repairs AND can insert catheters? Is there no end to your infinite depths of hottiness? K-Dough, treat her well, for she has a dedicated suitor waiting in the wings...
Jack Latent was a Message Regurgitation Machine during the last election. The debates were the best. Every fucking answer to every question was "There is another choice. We will work hard for working families".
If there was a party with a tag line like "Screw stupid people. We will keep them drunk and do whatever the fuck it is we think is best" (other than the communists) I would send them my 15 bucks in a sec.
There IS another choice. The K-Dough party. He will harder for all those with a sober brain. Fuck the rest.
You've got my dough,boy.
Thanks Pam- you realize you are making poor leatherhands insanely jealous though...
"Chits for Hookers"? Goddamm, dude, you are about to become my new best fucking friend! As soon as I get confirmation from NDHQ that I've been accepted back in the regular force(I lied about my age) I'll post my address so you can send me my chits. Start building a big enough box for them 'cause I want lots. None of that fucking rations shit!
You are a laugh and a half man. Not sure those god-fearing Alberta conservatives would admit to supportuing you here, but I suspect in their heart of pants, they do.
Q:What do they call Viagra for old squids?
A: Screech, of course.
Civvys have taken this 'support our troops' shit too far. Because of the useless media, Canadians seem afraid to express an opinion of what 'support' really is. The only "support" the troops really care about includes, but not limited to,some of the following:
Making sure the politicans budget enough money for pay, danger pay, combat pay, out of country pay,flight pay and other pays defined by QR&O.Decent equipment including proper clothing...none of those fuckin sand colored capes courtsey of John McCollum.
Just to say, "I support the troops" is not enough, call the idiot you elected and demand that if our guys and gals are given a job to do, then, by Christ, they better have the tools it takes to get it done. That kind of support can never go wrong!
Squid: I can't believe I'm gonna say this but:
I completely agree with you.
That is critical thinking. You are discussing this within the context of what is actually happening, not in terms of political messaging or cheap partisan vote getting.
You deserve an extra ration of Kraft Dinner and a shot of rum tonight with your medication.
Thanks, K-Dough. Now here's something else to chew on. I just read on Politics Watch that the Liberals want the Ethics Commish to investigate Minister Emmerson because of links to a lumber company at the heart of the softwood lumber thingy. Well Jesus H., didn't he have those same connections when he was a fucking Liberal? It was OK then? It's not OK now? Now it's bad because he wearing a different coat? This is politics, not religion, where you go to a different church with a higher set of standards than your old church. I wonder if those assholes Libs can't see that Canadians see right through their little game and think less of them for it. It's all partisan bullshit and their putrid odor can be smelled everywhere and it's very offensive to everyone but themselves. Of course, though, these cunts have wallowed in their own shit for so long they can't smell themselves....and they call themselves the natural governing party. The onlt thing "natural" about them is the smell of their own decomposing!
Squid: While I may not express it as colourfully, I agree with your sentiment. All these political manouevres are coming at a time when the Liberals should be focussed on regrouping, retooling and re-analyzing their policy direction. But as I've said a milion times the national parties have their heads way too far up their own asses.
I have to say though, no party in Canada has a monopoly on conflict of interest or cheap partisan bullshite.
K-Dough, Harper in that pic looks like a teenager who works at McDonalds selling those greasy burgers to others.
K-dough wants the Liberals to re-tool. call my 12 years old, but that's very funny.
are such transplants possible? they may eliminate my need for a swedish pump.
Swedish pump? I didn't know they existed. Damn! I got mine in Japan and have not seen any improvement in 12 long hard years!
Say, isn't that a pic of Alfred E. Newman?
Hav- my thought exactly- I'm sure I'll be using that for an upcoming piece!
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