Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Canadweebs Dull Democracy

Today, we break from the normally scheduled K-Dough nonsense to bring you this: Our democracy is in crisis!
The Hill Times ran a story this week about how political parties are bankrupt of substance and new policy ideas, and are cultivating cynicism. This is what I've been saying online in different "political" blogs' comments sections for some time, yet no "political" fanatics or pundits will ever address it or participate in the debate. They are too obsessed with arguing over who's party is more popular, beautiful or morally correct. So sad, this ignorant navel gazing and reluctance for self-examination that is killing our country's democracy like a weed strangling a flower.

No Matter. I will continue to sound the alarm, in real life and online. The Canadweebs will continue to ignore me while they hyper-salivate over their precious leaders and candidates, like love-struck schoolgirls. The cultish little undergrad Canadweebs will continue to go to their Young-XXX meetings and stuff envelopes for stuffed shirt politicians, in hopes that they may pick up a political job for a few years after they graduate. Canada will continue to suffer and lose focus as a nation, because the rest of us have fallen asleep at the wheel.

Photo credit: The Brock Press


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read the article and I think Bea Vongdouangchanh presented a well-researched and intriguing overview of the dilemma facing our country.

The loss of interest (read: distrust and/or frustration) in politics and political parties is directly related to the voters feeling their elected representatives, “have little identity beyond that of their leaders.” It’s a brutally honest perspective but smacks of reality to the disenfranchised masses. The “shells” of parties accomplish enough to get their members elected only to then bow to the policy whim of the leader once (s)he is installed in Langevin Block. At that point, voters and MPs are subjected to the leader moulding the borders of their party to remain in power for as long as possible.

Therefore, what should we, as open-minded democratic Canadians, do to reform our ailing political system? Perhaps do-away with political parties altogether and vote for the best person to represent our riding/values? In that situation, the House of Commons would decide on legislation from all MPs equally, and all votes would be free votes. In that situation, Bea’s Potemkin villages would be obliterated and we’d have created a responsive and equal parliament to best represent our voters and MPs.

That doesn’t sound too bad to me.

8:41 AM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

You are a dangerous man Peter, with dangerous ideas! You must be stopped before you spread.

But seriously- where would the policy come from in this new Petranian State? The bureaucracy?

Personally, I think first past the post needs to go, and presto, you would increase the public's interest and decrease the prevalence of the incestuous, inward-looking Big 3. It's only a start, but it could open the door to independents and fringe parties, which would increase minority voice.

9:12 AM, March 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem with getting rid of 'first past the post'. It's all relivant and all steps in the right direction.

Wrt policy creation in my new Canada, it would derive from 1. the sitting MPs 2. the bureaucracy (whom are touted as knowing their fields better than actual politicians) and 3. the Senate. Each of these 3 groups can propose policy/legislation and, together, can formulate a modern and effective government to the benefit of all Canadians.

Ministers would be appointed in accordance with their knowledge of specific areas (e.g., NOT like high-school dropout John Snoblen's app't to Ministry of Education).

9:41 AM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

Ok, so Petrania is taking on meritocratic features. I like that part.

Don't you think we may be lacking a certain focussed direction under the Petranian(tm) system though?

9:47 AM, March 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are scary words: "focused direction". That's where political parties stemmed from.

No, I think the MPs would provide the direction in the responses and actions they display in the House. It would allow for equal input and would prevent the complete Dictator-like majority rule.

'Petrania' might be more reactionary but would provide for accurate representation.

10:20 AM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

My Canada does not include Petrania.

10:56 AM, March 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll meet you at the bike racks after school.

12:23 PM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger Tarkwell Robotico said...

I officially post regularly here.

500 channel universe makes it equally hard on NBC and the Natural Governing Party.

So what?

1:32 PM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

Chucker- not my point though. I'm talking about the core of political culture. Political blogging fanatics are just the viewers, not the Stars in the tragedy. (Unless, of course they are both blogger and politico staffer).

And what do you mean by regular, ? (Metamucil jokes aside)

1:43 PM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger Tarkwell Robotico said...


You led me to an excellent article. And you're a funny person.

So, regular means, I's plannin' to visit regular. Like, a clock that comes back to 12 time and time again.

1:51 PM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

Chucker- very kind of you to say. you arE not coming on to me though are you? I'm a happily married straight man, WHO HAS NEVER ENTERTAINED A SINGLE HOMOEROTIC THOUGHT, NO MATTER WHAT ANY GUY NAMED BRUCE WHO WEARS ASSLESS LEATHER CHAPS AT THE BEEF BARON BAR AND GRILL SAYS.

Seriously though- Looking fwd to seeing ya here more often. I will make it a point to drop by your place as well....

Cheers, K

2:01 PM, March 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Further to your last posting, is your real name Stephen Harper?

2:14 PM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger Harding said...

What are you guys doing on the bike racks?


2:22 PM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

Harding- wouldn't you like to know you little perv. To satisy that crime obsessed mind of yours I'll give you a hint- we like to call it "Mashed Potatoes and Oven Mitt Meat Boxing".

4:56 PM, March 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

K-Dough, what politics need is people under the age of 25 to bring some life to all the parties. Too bad none of the parties are interested in having a lot of young people in their parties and running for them too.
Advertising my blog:

5:45 PM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger Havril said...

"They are too obsessed with arguing over who's party is more popular, beautiful or morally correct."

Beautiful? I didn't realize there was ever an argument. Conservatives, hands down. Myron Thompson is a handsome, handsome man.

If I had homoerotic thoughts, they'd lead me to Wild Rose country every time.

4:45 PM, March 08, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

Hav- I love you!!! (in a very hands-off, pants-on kind of way)


4:54 PM, March 08, 2006  
Blogger Havril said...

" Hav- I love you!!! (in a very hands-off, pants-on kind of way)

Bad move, dude. Never be the first one to say the "l" word. You have lost all power in this relationship. That's why my name will go first on the cover when I finally agree to co-author a book with you.

Also, be a doll and pick up my drycleaning, will you?

10:26 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter: "No, I think the MPs would provide the direction in the responses and actions they display in the House." One question: Have you ever actually watched the House proceedings?


havril: "Myron Thompson is a handsome, handsome man. If I had homoerotic thoughts, they'd lead me to Wild Rose country every time. "

You need to get yourself some help! Soon! Quick run! Get yourself to the nearest psychiatrist and/or pick up a copy of College Water Polo Players Monthly fast!

The only thing that would lead me to Wild Rose Country is Jake Gyllenhall having a clothing malfunction.

9:20 AM, March 11, 2006  

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