Monday, September 18, 2006

Teen Psycho Groupies

I am addressing this post to whoever wrote to Rosie DiManno, prompting this piece (click HERE), published today in the Toronto Star. In e-mails to DiManno, some ignorant, melodramatic kid, who says her name is Ashley Harrison (*see update below!), defended Kimveer Gill's actions and sympathized with the psycho-geek. In lieu of any powerful or potent reply from DiManno, likely owing to the constraints imposed by her medium, I have composed my own response to the pugnacious Ms. Harrison, below.

Letter to Ashley Harrison, somewhere in Quebec:

Listen up, you out-of-touch teen tard: You think Kimveer Gill experienced insurmountable pain? He experienced nothing but selfish, narcissistic masturbatory loserhood. And that fate awaits you too, Ashley!

Kimveer Gill was not remarkable, intelligent or worthy of admiration. He couldn't spell. He wasn't original. His online names were all rip-offs (check my friend Harding's recent piece on one such example HERE). The polls he filled out on his page were mindless time-wasters for bored, lazy ass people without a shred of creativity in their empty heads and souls. He was out of work and probably spent most of his time jerking off to Japanese cartoons in his parent's house, which is where 25 year old losers like him belong, because they are cowardly chicken shits who never grow up. And that's what you are going to be Ashley: A loser, just like your psycho-geek idol.

Do you know why losers like you - Ashley Harrison- and Kimveer feel so different from others and oppressed by the popular, happy people? Because you deserve to feel that way. And hiding in computer fantasy land just prolongs the amount of time you will spend in your miserable life being a miserable loser with an artificial sense of power and belonging. You are the creator of your own undoing. No one is responsible for that but you.

Tell me Ashley Harrison, why should anyone care about you? What have you got to offer anyone other than your boring, pathetic self-pity? Do yourself a favour and shut the fuck up, pull the joystick out of your ass and do something about your problems instead of whining and wallowing away into your own oblivion.

Life is for the living, sweetie. It's not easy to solve problems or deal with pain. But you need to know something- no one has a monopoly on pain. You are not special. We all feel, hurt and bleed. The people you should most despise are those who blame and punish others for their own problems, like Kimveer Gill. That's probably what someone did to you along the line to make you the bitter little fuck that you are today. If you want to perpetuate that bullshit, you'd better get ready for a lifetime of disappointment, failure and sadness.

Ashley, you wrote: "Kimveer will be greatly missed by the people who actually understood him ... the people who don't have their heads up their asses." You know what, that would have been a much better way for that loser to die- with his head up my ass, choking on my shit.

This advice doesn't come cheaply either sweetie- I'm hard core through and through and had to claw my way to where I am now. I had a lot of friends like you in my life when I was younger who are now either dead or might as well be. That said, it's never too late to get your shit together. If you chose to continue on this path I encourage you to have a nice life - or whatever facsimile of a life it is that you manage to feebly and passively eke out.

Update: What is with this site's history with Ashleys? We now know who Ms. Harrison probably is, complete with pix and the school she attends in Quebec. In fact, you can view her myspace page by searching for her using her real name. I won't publish the link here, but I encourage you all to check out the face of stupid for yourselves.

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Blogger Harding said...

Ashley Harrison says we can't judge Gill. She's right, to a point, because the sick bastard is dead.

But we can judge Ashley Harrison, by her words and, more importantly by her actions. This we need to do this right now. Hopefully someone knows who she is and can intervene, with whatever force is necessary, to cure her of this madness before she commits some similar atrocity.

11:42 AM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

K-Dough, people only become college drop-outs if they go to college. Since this person won't reach college, she won't have to drop out. If I was her parent, I would lock her up so she wouldn't become another Gill.

2:22 PM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

Other than long-term therapy, how exactly do you "help" someone who has such an absurd sense of right and wrong and can't value human life?

3:29 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've often wondered why some of my childhood friends went on to do great things with their lives, and a few went on to do nothing but bitch and moan about how they had nothing but "bad luck". I think some of that "luck" was attitude and laziness.

On a more serious note, does anyone actually jerk off to Japenese cartoons? K-dough?

3:55 PM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

There is a whole fetish genre of white toast geeks (mostly overweight, introverted caucasian men I imagine)who watch Japanese anime(animated movies) and read manga(comic books).

There are hentai(trans.: strange/perverted) or echi(trans.: horny) versions of both in Japan that cater to those who prefer cartoon porn.

4:06 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pam, one day in high school me and my friend were watching a magazine and talking about how hot some actor was. This girl sitting a bit far from us started arguing with us that this actor was not hot and a guy from gundum seed was the hottest guy. Now I wasn't into the anime thing so I didn't know what gundum seed was. I thought it was some movie in another language. Later asked my friend and she told me it was a cartoon character from japanese anime. So this girl had a huge crush on a cartoon charater. I laughed for days.

4:27 PM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger Leatherhands said...

I think there should be a special prison for stupid people. Clean, humane...but way the hell away from the rest of us. Mr. or Mrs. Gill...whichever one co-signed, or were the "guarantors" for his gun purchase, (I just about lost it when I heard that tid-bit) should be thrown in there along with her.

5:43 PM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger Joe Calgary said...

On a lighter note... K-dough, I'm just back from business catching up on my reading... admit it you dog... you get wood for Condi don't you:)

5:58 PM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

JC: you haftabe freakin' kiddin me!!!! Ideological abhorrence aside, I don't find way-over-cooked, buck-toothed chihuahuas attractive.

6:17 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrt to Ashley, anger is a reasonable first reaction for us. However, shouldn't we now offer a helping hand and use this horrible situation as an opportunity to show our youth (and others who might use Gill as a rallying point) where the borders of right and wrong or sanity vs. insanity exist? Or is it too late?

7:16 PM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

On the other hand, perhaps she just needs a spanking.

8:17 AM, September 19, 2006  

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