Thursday, February 16, 2006

Beer Actor's Rap Sheet

I don't want to condemn Mr. Angry Scottish Beer Commercial guy yet, because in our justice system you are initially presumed innocent, but I'll tell you what he is guilty of:
1. Numerous counts of annoying the hell out of me.
2. Uttering implausible scripts.
3. Impersonating Scott Thompson.

Photo: Alexander Keith was not a happy
man when he heard the news, or from the look of things, at all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While some criminal proceedings result with the accused being set free, the Police don't often press charges unless they're extremely secure in their case.

In this situation, it's unfortunate for Labatts/Keiths but devastating for the rest of us. It proves there remains a disturbed sect of society who continues to enjoy child pornography. Each and every one of them should be castrated, fed their genitals, and locked up forever. Their claim that simply watching child pornography is 'innocent' because it doesn't hurt anyone is bullshit because it requires that someone, somewhere subject a child to it.

In these cases, hard justice should prevail.

8:45 AM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

Why is this anymore "devastating" than any other similar incident? Just because some idiot, who happened to appear in a beer commercial, was charged doesn't "prove there remains a disturbed sect of society who continues to enjoy child pornography." The fact that people are charged everyday proves that "there remains a disturbed sect of society".

He should have been arrested for the bad accent by the comedy police a long time ago.

Oh yeah. and one more thing- fuck Labatts. Shitty commercial. Shitty beer.

9:06 AM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not saying this situation is any different from any other child pornography situation. However, it reminds us that it could be anyone. Just as Pete Townsend got busted for child porn, and Gary Glitter is accused of malicious sexual abuse/assault of a child, it is the people in the spotlight that make the affect reverberate even louder.

9:13 AM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

The guy is not a rock star though -he is a bit commercial actor. Apples/oranges. I get your point though.

After hearing these allegations, not only would I not leave him alone with my beer (ick), neither would I leave him alone with my children.

9:37 AM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

By the way- Pete Townsend got off, because he was doing research...

10:48 AM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"After hearing these allegations, not only would I not leave him alone with my beer (ick), neither would I leave him alone with my children."

What if he's found innocent? I know a man who was framed by his f'n insane (now ex-)wife. I'd known the guy for years. He was a pervert, no doubt, but not a sick pervert.

He was fucking around on his wife and she found out and then conveniently she "found" (I'm inclined to say planted) an unacceptable movie on the family computer -- used by no less than four people in the family with one single computer account -- and called the police and had him arrested at work.

He was ruined at work. His name was in the papers and on the radio.

It came out, quite obviously, during his trial that there was no way that he could have downloaded this movie. Not only that, they confiscated his OWN PERSONAL LAPTOP AND FOUND NOTHING. If you were going to be doing something like this, would you not use your personal password-protected machine to do your dirty business? I know I would.

So in the end the entire thing was thrown out of court and he was cleared. But to what end? His reputation was irreparably damaged as a result.

Now I will say they must have SOMETHING more on this guy as they've also charged him with making child porn available, and that is a whole other beast. But then again, it could be a matter of one of his kids accidentally downloading something with Kazaa or whatever other P2P program and leaving it in the shared folder. Who knows.

I guess after seeing what happened with the guy I spoke of earlier, I'm far less inclined to jump to conclusions.

If he is guilty, then punish him to the fullest extent of the law. But until more details are known to the public, it's a tough bandwagon for me to jump on just yet.

11:00 AM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

Anonymous- Let me ask you this:
Would you leave your kid(s) alone with anyone who even had only been charged with making child porn?

11:17 AM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention two other counts:

1) his accent is dreadful... why everyone thinks cranky scots with obviously fake accents are funny is baffling - the first time it was cute but enough already...

2) the beer SUCKS!

11:21 AM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

I beg to differ with you Jez. I mentioned both of those above in this commentary- we are in complete agreeance. I'll have another Leffe Brun please!

11:29 AM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous- Let me ask you this:
Would you leave your kid(s) alone with anyone who even had only been charged with making child porn?"

Making child porn? That's not what he's charged with. Let's not change the scope of this. And even if someone was charged with making it... what if he was entirely-100%-without-a-doubt proven innocent in court? You are of the mind to continue to punish him after what would have been, quite likely, the worst period of his life?

As for Smith, he's charged with possession. He's a man with a wife and kids. All I am saying is, who's to say that it wasn't one of the kids (by accident) or a vindictive wife?

What I'm saying is we know far too little about the story to be able to make any sort of informed judgment.

Would I leave my kids with the man I spoke of earlier? Without a doubt and without a second thought. There's no child porn-loving bone in his body. It was coooked up by a fucked up wife with serious mental issues.

I'm all for the prosecution of those who knowingly download (and make available) child porn. But I'd also like to know that they did, in fact, do the crime.

I am not claiming he is innocent. I'm saying that if he's quite clearly proven innocent then why should you continue to act as if he was guilty?

11:41 AM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you see... that's what happens when you comment w/out reading the comments... I'll take a guinness

11:45 AM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to clarify that I would never leave my kids with a stranger.

Imagine you have a sister and she has kids.

You marry a head case. And you are in the same position of the man I have referred to.

You easily prove your innocence in court and your head-case-wife gets laughed out of court.

Now your sister and her husband refuse to allow you near their children. Your niece/nephew(s). You would be okay with that?

11:45 AM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

Anonymous- you are correct sir/ma'am- these are the charges
"two counts of possession of child pornography and one count of making available child pornography." My bad, I stand corrected.

I, for one, judge people on the facts. If he is proven innocent, he'd get no guff from me. However, let's be realistic, unfortunately even getting tagged with the charge will pollute one's career forever, especially if they work in entertainment (including politicans, media, sports).

I still stand by my earlier comments though:
a)I would not leave my kid with someone charged- family member, friend or otherwise;
b)the ads sucked;
c)Labatts sucks.

11:57 AM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The obnoxious beer guy??? Why am I surprised?

My understanding was that Peter Townshend got off because he turned in the evidence to the police and they were able to use it to prosecute those who made it in the first place. The fact was he possessed the stuff, however, so he still had to register as a sex offender. Townshend casually dismissed the plea bargain as a "small price to pay" for the greater good of protecting kids.

Uh, yeah.

As for Alexander Keith's itself -- I tried the beer for the first time on a trip to Montréal last summer and it went down well with my meal. On its own, however, it's ale just like Labatt 50 ... and I hated that one.

I probably never would have tried Keith's at all, but for the obnoxious ads. One can't help but wonder if Labatts or the brand manager who handled Keith's hired the same agency that did the "Million Monkeys" series for Molson Canadian.

12:08 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

blastfurnace- Remember the "it's not oatmeal" ads? Done once and got tired I thought.

But like Jez says-what's with the marketing of poor Scottish accents as a hilarity weapon? Although, I have to admit I've gotten drunk with more than few of my friends' Scottish fathers in the past and wound up not knowing what the fuck they were saying by the end of the night! Which goes to show that even a Scot can end up speaking with a poor accent after consuming the right amount of alcohol!!

12:18 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger Looney Canuck said...

I think that Edward R. Murrow put it best when he said that accusation is not proof. Although in most cases like this, the worst is usually true, particularly when he "made available" ,which I guess is another way of saying uploading, child pornography. Barring some kind of bizarre, unlikely explanation that turns out to be true, Smith's name is crap.

However, some of the comments mentioned Pete Townshend, and I have to admit here that I was, and am still, a fan of his, and don't want to believe that he downloaded a bunch of obscene images of children. His explanation about research into the mindset of pedophiles was that he only downloaded a few images, which he deleted almost immediately. It was much later when police seized Townshend's computer, and they found none of those offensive images on it. He even identified himself as the subject of the investigation before the cops did. Maybe I'm being terribly naive, that it was just a really stupid thing that he did, but that he did not get off on those images, but I do tend to believe him. People tend to believe what they want anyway, and barring some conclusive proof, like something on, I'll still believe in Townshends innocence.

5:06 PM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

K-Dough: Re your comment: "But like Jez says-what's with the marketing of poor Scottish accents as a hilarity weapon? Although, I have to admit I've gotten drunk with more than few of my friends' Scottish fathers in the past and wound up not knowing what the fuck they were saying by the end of the night! Which goes to show that even a Scot can end up speaking with a poor accent after consuming the right amount of alcohol!!"

Och, whit are ye talkin' aboot? The Scots speak the Queen's bloody Inglish! If ye cannae unnerstawn it by the end ay the night, it's because ye've no been listenin' proaperly, maist likely because ye're blootered and cannae even fuckin' pish straight.

7:22 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger Harding said...

That beer actor never had this much attention when he wasn't a sick pervert...

There are a couple of other psuedo-Scotts out there the police should look at. That running gum-stick from the Extra commercial... you know... that lasts an extra extra long time! What does he do when he's not chasing people or getting chewed? What's on his computer? And then there's that minature guy who yells about the size of the the shredded wheat. "THEY'RE HUGE!" he's always yelling. What does he do with his little willy when he's not being dumped on with lumps of sugar?

I mean, the facts are there people!!! We've ignored the truth for far too long!!!

10:38 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger Stephen said...

Those who like kiddie porn, like it a lot.

10:05 PM, February 17, 2006  

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