Saturday, February 04, 2006

Financing and the Arts

According to the Toronto Star, recently elected Ontario MP Jim Flaherty - also a former Ontario finance minister- may or may not owe a whack of cash to the provincial Conservative party. Oops!!!!! The same Flaherty is expected to be named Canada's next FINANCE MINISTER on Monday. Look, I'm no econometrics expert, but shouldn't there be some kind of aptitude test for that job? I mean, I remember a guidance counsellor in high school telling me "K-Dough, you just aren't a numbers kind of guy. Your brain is hard-wired to think more artistically". Maybe, Jimbo has been mis-labelled for all these years. Maybe he should be in a more appropriate portfolio, like the Minstry of Re-Invigorating Arts and Culture in Canada? Iz all I'm sayin...Canada, politics, k-dough, liberal, conservative, harper, Ontario, kdough, criticism, neo-con, commentary, communications, legislature, Chretien, election,policy, hand guns, Toronto


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No worries if Flaherty can't be Finance Minister. They could always fall back on good ole Stockboy Day.

He was Minister of Finance in Alberta, after all, and we all know how hard it is to balance the books when money is literally gushing out of the ground.

4:20 PM, February 05, 2006  
Blogger K-Dough said...

well, there it is. Harper just announced his cabinet- Jimbo is in. Yikes.

11:22 AM, February 06, 2006  

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